Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2, 2012

       Ok well this week has been crazy. Yesterday during our testimony meeting in church a bird dropped a huge lizard on our pulpit while somebody was talking. Sooo funny! But what was crazy is nobody even flinched -they acted like it was normal. So it looked like it was just dead, but the branch president went to take it off and it jumped off the pulpit and ran off!
      We finally put up our church sign after talking to the shop underneath because we had to paint over part of their sign and they weren't too happy. 
       This week we had a lot of good lessons and we commited 3 couples to baptisimal dates this week. Now they just need to get legally married, but in order to do so they have to go to where they were born to get all their records which can take a while. 
        President Kretley got here last week but we won't see him up here until the end of this month. 
       And the best news of all - I found out that two of the Nampula Elders each tranfer get to spend like a week  in a village called Luaha!! Elder Nacimento and I get to go this transfer he is from Cape Verde and this is his last tranfer on the mission. He is really cool. I guess it's a really small village like in the middle of nowhere. Most people only speak a dialect called Makua there but some do speak Portuguese. We pretty much camp for a week. We stay in a tent!! And I have to speak at church in Portuguese and then I'll have a translator to translate what I say into Makua. It sounds so awesome!!  I think we are leaving sometime next week.
      The language here is crazy. They mix in Makua and English words all the time. I'm learning a little bit of Makua because so many people just mix it in. Like everyone says 'meningie nice' here all the time for 'very cool' or people say 'hello' but only when they are talking on the phone or 'ka he holly' means 'how is your health' or 'how's it going?' 
    All baptisms here are done by members and there is a swimming pool they do them in.  Oh and can you send me some recipies por favor? Anyone who gets this e-mail and wants to send me some that would be cool. But they can't be super complicated with a lot of weird ingredients because I'm limited to what is available to buy here in Nampula. So it's been a good week here and I'll attach some more pictures. One is at a baptism for Delfina who the other elders taght, one is me next to a huge termite or ant hill , one is a crazy tree that has cactus on top instead of branches - it's so weird , and others are just pics here in Nampula
                Elder Bigelow

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