Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July 30, 2012 - Nampula


          This week was pretty crazy. it rained a couple of times. Monday we ate at sister Milas house who is from the Philipines. She isn't very active but she only speaks English so it would kinda be hard to be in a Portuguese branch. (I know how she feels!) But we had a super good lesson with her and she cooked us a bunch of Philipino food - so good! She lives with some other Philipinos and they work and then send money back home  Our lessons with Joseph are in English too, which is pretty cool.

        I got a haircut today and it was a terrible experience - haha! They only use the razor thing and no scissors and they aren't good at it. When they are done they just throw on a bunch of window cleaner and it cost extra because we are white and we don't have the same hair as everyone else!
     Our baptism didn't happen because they were having a huge political party at the pool we use so it got moved to next Saturday.
     I cooked super good chicken this week and I'm going to make Chinese food this week. I'm getting better!
     Elder Nascimento went home and Elder Olivera from Brazil got here and he is super cool. My comp, Elder Leake, is most likely getting transfered this week but we don't know till Wednesday for sure. He has malaria but he caught it pretty early and took the stuff to help it but he was pretty much a zombie for a while. He is starting to feel better and will live (haha). You don't have to worry. Oh, and I'm taking larium which is the once a week pill for malaria but the it's supposed to give you crazy dreams. The first couple of weeks I didn't really notice because I dream all the time anyway, but this week was crazy! So many weird dreams! But it's better than the other pills and so far they haven't been too scary.  'They are like movies in my eyes!'
     I missed summer camp but that's awesome that everything worked out great.
     We had some intersting lessons come from our contacts again and we had 11 investigators at church!

                                     Elder Bigelow

Most of these pictures are from when I was in Luaha, but the sunset picture I took here in Nampula.

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