Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013 - Matola

This week has flown by yet was so long and jam packed,
   I guess I will start out with the guy we gave the Book of Mormon to that I was telling you about last week - Vincent. So we went by and it was only him at home because his wife flew to Atlanta this week. I couldn't believe it but he was kind of busy and didn't really want to sit with us. Too bad but we got 15 minutes out of him. So we taught the restoration in like 10 minutes and the spirit was super strong - like probably one of the strongest times I have felt it but he said his wife had told him not to make any commitments to us before we even started. But I thought for sure he would read and pray and we invited him super boldly and he says “No! I will not read or pray about the Book of Mormon. Maybe come back next week when my wife and kids are here.” Normally we would never go back to someone who just said no like that - one of the few times it has happened. But we both feel we should go back again this week and try to sit with the whole family, so we will see. They are Catholic but not active and they are married.
     Also this week we found some really cool new families. One was a reference from a recent convert family. All of our lessons fell through on Saturday - honestly like 10.  Saturdays are like magic - marking lessons - but they never go through. So we call this family, Samuel and Maria and they are awesome. We sat with them Saturday and went back yesterday and they read and prayed and think they have an answer and accepted baptism!
    We are teaching 2 families that should get baptized this transfer. Ricardo and Lina and her sister, Nucha., who already have marriage process open and are super awesome. They never miss church, they read and everything and are getting married and baptized on the 3rd.  And Andre and Maria who have 3 kids, Jr and Shelton and baby Camila, who are getting baptized. This week was crazy with them. They have been coming to church but we talked about the law of chastity last week and they were super iffy about marriage. So this week we went by and talked about prayer again and getting answers. They were having trouble getting along with each other. I am going to be a certified marriage counselor by the time I get home – haha - but we had them read 3rd Nephi 14. I looked in the front of my scriptures because I have a glue-in about ‘the Book of Mormon answers the questions of the soul’ and one was how can I improve my marriage relationship with that chapter. So the next day we go back and they had read and they were telling us they want to get married next year because their parents want to come who live in Lachinga way north. Then my comp talks about just legalizing and have the party later and they were all over it! It was a miracle. So later in the week we read the family proclamation and it helped a ton!! They asked for a copy and the spirit was super strong. We went by the next morning to help with documents and he was washing clothes outside instead of her!! So we are just waiting for documents this week - his family has to send his birth certificate from Lachinga. But I am super excited for them.
       Also yesterday I got super sad news. So that picture I sent with Joao and his parents, Candido and Elsa from Inhamizua, right? So after I left he travelled and they have not been able to sit with them a lot, but he got back this week so they went by and she was super sick. And Elder Awbry called me yesterday and told me she passed away! I am super sad! I love that family. I have been thinking a lot about that the gospel comes into our lives when we really need it. I just think how hard this is for him and then how hard it would be if we hadn't contacted him and taught their family. Please pray for them this week.
     Also an old couple, Carvalho and Albertina from Inhamizua are getting married and baptized!! They were eternal investigators - honestly like 3 years. I thought they were members until like 3rd transfer there. But when I found out they weren't we helped them with documents to get married and finally, on Saturday, they will get married!
   Next week will be the open house for our new chapel so I will write on Tuesday instead of Monday I think. I love Matola and my comp. I hope I stay here for a while. Well love ya guys!
   Elder Bigelow.
  (Can you send me Holden's emails? Thanks.)

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