Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24, 2012 - Inhamizua

Hey ,
        Things are going good. I'm super excited to get to call tomorrow and it will probably be around 6 in the evening my time. I'm not sure exactly how far into the future I am for you guys but it should be good I hope. [9:00am Arizona/Utah time]
       This week was pretty crazy and we had a lot to do. Elder Hoffman was sick Wednesday so we couldn't go out and work but other than that it was nice. He is going home in 3 weeks! Super crazy! These next 3 weeks we are just going to work work work. We have a lot of things we need to do with the branch as well with 2013 right around the corner.
        Saturday we had the Inhamizua Branch Christmas party. I will have to tell you guys all about it tomorrow. Weirdest funniest ward Christmas party ever! it was way fun. Nothing ever works out as planned here and improvising is always needed.
       I feel like my Portuguese is getting even better because I talk to elder Nascimento and Vestia in our house a lot who are native speakers and they help me a ton and I try to help them with English.
       This morning I saw and talked to Maria, the lady Elder Ostler and I baptized my last week In Manga 1. Whenever you have a hard time on the mission it helps a lot to think about the people you have helped and the difference the gospel has made in their lives! It made we way happy. And an investigator Elder Ostler and I starting teaching in Manga 1, Faustinho, is getting baptized Saturday and I should be able to go and watch.  
         Our area is starting to pick up but we just have a lot of brand new investigators right now. Manga has the group marriage in January but our investigators were either not ready or didn't want to do it so we aren't going to have any marriages but we found 2 or three nice couples the last 2 weeks so I'm excited. We are just going to try to help them get married. I think we have yet to meet and actually be able to sit with a married couple in Inhamizua.
          Thanks a ton for the package and presents! Can you try to have Anne and Wes and Grandma at the house when I call? If not it's not a huge deal but I only have 40 minutes between everyone so I want to make as few calls as possible.
         It's cool being on the mission during Christmas because it's a lot easier to remember the true meaning and focus!
                                               Love you guys,
                                                                   Elder Bigelow

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